Last Updated on January 14, 2024 by NonToxicSwaps

Non toxic nail polish delivers a safer manicure by eliminating toxic chemicals from your nail polish.

In this post I will share why conventional nail polishes are harmful, and safer non toxic nail polish brands you can use instead.

Want to shop this list of top non toxic nail polish brands?  Click here to visit the shop!


Chemicals in Nail Polish

The average nail polish is made with a variety of chemicals, many of which are considered unsafe.  Here are toxic ingredients often found in nail polish formulas:

  • Dibutyl phthalate: endocrine disruptor, developmental & reproductive toxicant, linked to infertility.
  • Touline: irritant, linked to liver & kidney damage, can affect the nervous system and respiratory system.  Breathing in toulene during pregnancy can result in birth defects, and in severe, repeated exposure, can result in termination of pregnancy.
  • Formaldehyde: carcinogen, respiratory irritant.
  • Formaldehyde resin: associated with organ system toxicity, carcinogen, respiratory irritant
  • Camphor: known allergen
  • Ethyl Tosylamide: concerns of contamination with formaldehyde, allergen, linked to organ system toxicity
  • Xylene: a known neurotoxin
  • Triphenyl phosphate: may cause developmental harm to fetus, potential obseogen, and endocrne disruptor.
  • Fragrances: catch-all term for thousands of chemicals including hormone disrupting phthalates, as well as skin irritants and allergens.

What is 3-Free, 5-Free, and 10-Free Nail Polish?

Nail polish brands share whether they are 3-free, 7-free, 10-free based on the amount of toxins the product is free from.

3-Free Nail Polish is made without dibutyl phthalate, toulene and formaldehyde.  These ingredients are known as the toxic trio and should be avoided due to their negative impact on health.

4-Free Nail Polish is made without the toxic trio (dibutyl phthalate, toulene and formaldehyde) as well as formaldehyde resin.

5-Free Nail Polish is made without dibutyl phthalate, toulene, formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, AND camphor.

7-Free Nail polish is free of dibutyl phthalate, toulene, formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, camphor, as well as xylene and ethyl tosylamide.

8-Free Nail polish is free of dibutyl phthalate, toulene, formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, camphor, xylene, ethyl tosylamide, AND triphenyl phosphate.

9-Free Nail polish is free of dibutyl phthalate, toulene, formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, camphor, xylene, ethyl tosylamide, AND triphenyl phosphate, as well as acetone and parabens.

10-Free Nail polish is free of dibutyl phthalate, toulene, formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, camphor, xylene, ethyl tosylamide, triphenyl phosphate.  The tenth ingredient tends to vary from one brand to another.  Some claim it is fragrance, others says gluten.

If you are sensitive to particular ingredients, be sure to read the ingredients to be sure the product meets your needs.

Non Toxic Nail Polish Brands

Below is a list of nail polishes from 3-Free and above.  While we strive to share products that are completely non toxic, sharing this range of products allows you to see more possibilities when it comes to your budget and accessibility.

The higher the number, the cleaner the nail polish.  If a lower number suits your budget and/or your needs, that’s ok!  You choose which level is best for you and your lifestyle.


See the full list here: EASY SWAPS GUIDE

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