Last Updated on December 2, 2022 by NonToxicSwaps

Men’s deodorant typically contains aluminum and other harmful toxins.  Swtich to a non toxic men’s deodorant instead!

The armpit is a sensitive part of the body, where ingredient can easily be absorbed into the skin.  These are some of the toxic ingredients you don’t want accumulating in your body.
  • Aluminum salts: blocks sweat ducts in the underarm area, can act as a hormone disruptor, potential capable of altering DNA (Source)
  • Phenoxyethanol: likely contaminated with 1,4-dioxane, a known carcinogen, nervous system depressant, hormone disruptor
  • Fragrance: endocrine disruptor, cover term for other toxic chemicals that include phthalates, which are linked to ADHD, organ toxicity, reproductive toxicity
  • Talc: may be contaminated with asbestos, carcinogenic
  • Parabens: Preservative linked to cancer, even at low concentrations.  Endocrine disrupter (mimics estrogen in the body).
  • Propylene Glycol: formaldehyde releaser
  • Triclosan: carcinogenic
  • Phthalates: Plasticizer, enhances skin absorption, hormone disruptor, reproductive system toxicity.

Eliminate these toxins from your personal care routine by switching to a non toxic men’s deodorant.  Check out the safe options listed below!

Have you tried one of these already?  If not, which one are you ready to swap to?  Let me know in the comments!

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